Pressure Mapping or as it is also referred to body mapping; is an evidence-based tool which provided quantitative date to identify the most effective seating solution for a client, whilst focusing on ways to prevent pressure sores and preserve skin integrity.

The equipment is made up of a thin, flexible and non-intrusive sensory sheet, this assesses and then presents a visual representation of pressure distribution. The process consists of placing the sheet over a cushion, backrest or other seating surface whilst the client is sitting/laying down. The sensors record a map, similar to heat imagery, and illustrates high and low areas of pressure with warm and cold colours to differentiate the two. This provides an overview of the pressure distribution.

Pressure mapping images will be accompanied with a report detailing the conclusions drawn from the presenting data. This can be used for clinical justification of equipment, evidence for funding approval or care plans. The information deduced from pressure mapping can help both Healthcare Professionals and the client themselves make an informed decision on seating options, contributing to greater understanding in the impact of different seating solutions and what will reduce the risk of high pressure causing sores or ulcers. For clients who cannot reposition themselves without assistance, pressure mapping can identify the best solution to provide the most support and optimal distribution of pressure.

Pressure mapping is included within our full postural assessments or as a stand alone service.