Regardless of the amount of time you sit in your chair or lie in your bed, knowing that you’re being supported correctly whilst doing so is absolutely vital.

At Clinical Mobility Solutions we value the importance of correct and well positioned postural support. Which is why we offer independent and unbiased assessments, a consultation that gives both the client and healthcare professionals the confidence in knowing that no matter what the situation, there will always be a solution.

Depending on the type of assessment required, the process in which CMS carry this out is as below.

Our Three Step Assessment Process


Initial Assessment

At CMS we are always led by the needs of the individual, the first step we follow to achieve a bespoke outcome for our clients is an initial assessment.


Product Assessment

This is an opportunity for us to get to know the client and to understand their needs. We look in detail at the client’s environment, particular requirements and individual preferences.


Postural Assessment

At CMS we will always assess a client’s presenting posture to identify if it needs exploring further with a full postural assessment, or if equipment can be prescribed from the presenting posture.


This visit is designed to get to know and understand the client, as well as their requirements for their equipment.

This first consultation will include standardised assessments and a thorough holistic initial assessment. This process is imperative in order to gather as much information as we can about the client’s individual needs.

Overview of an Initial Assessment:

  • Discuss existing product provision (if applicable)
  • Exploring the environment the equipment will be used in
  • Addressing transfers, transportation and accessibility
  • Observing and understanding presenting posture (providing an insight into pelvic positioning and range of movement)
  • Discuss future goals and put in place steps to achieve these
  • Assist in filtering product suitability
  • Identifying the appropriate equipment to demonstrate

The cost of an initial assessment is £200 plus mileage charged at 55p per mile.


Step 1. Initial Consultation

This is an opportunity for us to get to know the client and to understand their needs. We look in detail at the client’s environment, particular requirements and individual preferences.

Step 2. Product Overview

Using the information gathered in Step 1, we complete a comprehensive demonstration of products that meet the clients needs. It is from here that we are able to refine each item to establish the best configuration.

Step 3. Final Assessment

Once the client has made an informed decision, we can then finalise their specification and, in most cases, setup a demonstrator model to allow the client to try it out.

Each step is discussed and agreed by everyone involved, allowing us to identify practicality over preference. Transparency is extremely important and is a priority throughout the process.


At CMS we will always assess a client’s presenting posture to identify if it needs exploring further with a full postural assessment, or if equipment can be prescribed from the presenting posture. Following an advanced postural assessment a clinical report can be produced for the client to support with further equipment provision.

Depending on the client’s need, our Clinical Seating Specialist will either provide a presenting postural assessment or advanced postural assessment. Our approach is holistic and our goal is to address the overall environment during the assessment.

Following an advanced postural assessment a clinical report can be produced for the client to support with further equipment provision.

What is included in a full Postural Assessment?

  • Assessment of the client’s presenting posture in current seating and/or current wheelchair.
  • Further assessment of posture completed sitting on the edge of a plinth or flat surface (if applicable) and an assessment in supine.
  • Maladaptive positioning in the pelvis such as obliquity, rotation, abduction, adduction and pelvic tilt, to assess the range of movement in the joint.
  • Establishing whether posture is fixed and needs to be accommodated via equipment, or is able to be corrected with appropriate postural support.
  • Overview of level of function including, upper and lower limb, mobility, personal care, nutrition and cognition
  • Body measurements
  • Daily positioning routine

In line with best practice guidelines, we recommend an annual review of posture. This ensures any changes can be reflected in their postural management programme. A summary report will be provided by our Clinical Seating Specialist if needed.